walking down a lamplit street.
He stops at a lamppost where he sees someone grovelling on the floor.
He asks "Have you lost something?"
"I've lost my keys." replies the person

"Where were you when you had them last?"

"I was over there." says the man pointing over into the darkness beyond the lamppost.

"So why are you looking over here?" asks the puzzled passer-by.

"Because it's light over here."
Author & Thinking Partner

Nicola Phillips

It's hard to come up with a simple phrase to describe exactly how Nicola Phillips helps her various clients around the world, but we decided that "Thinking Partner" was about as close as we could get.

Nicola Phillips has over 20 years of experience working with everyone from CEOs of very large organisations struggling with a board restructure through to entrepreneurs dealing with their first foray into international expansion.

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Multiple titles published by Wiley, Capstone & Pearson Education

Nicola Phillips has written extensively on management, organisational and personal development since 1981. Her work is non-conventional, direct and relevant.

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Thinking Partner
Over 20 years experience with large organisation CEOs & Entrepreneurs

Having a Thinking Partner means working with someone outside of your organisation, who you can trust, and who can bring you a fresh insight and approach to tackling some of the tougher issues that managers deal with everyday.

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"It's tough at the top, but at least there's something to read" as The Economist once proclaimed in an advert.

Maybe Nicola Phillips should parody this to "It's tough at the top, but at least there's someone to talk to" or at least "to mull ideas over with" or even "rap with".
Let's work together